by Geoff Trentham | Jan 7, 2022 | 2021, Photo Galleries
CHECK OUT THE PHOTOS! 🎅 Thank you to all athletes who took part in our 3rd Annual Gifts for Coaching Exchange. It was a great day, and we were able to donate a ton of items to the @reddeerchristmasbureau.
by Geoff Trentham | Oct 31, 2021 | 2021, Photo Galleries
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! On October 31st we wrapped up our Fall Sunday programs for vballers in grades 2-10 – in full costume!
by Geoff Trentham | Aug 30, 2021 | 2021, Photo Galleries
CHECK OUT OUR PHOTOS! See all the action and fun from our July Advanced Competitive Clinic for girls, grades 9-10.
by Geoff Trentham | Jul 14, 2021 | 2021, Community
REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED. On July 25th, NEXUS ran two hours of volleyball in support of the Papp Charitable Foundation. We ran one hour of instruction followed by a one-hour 2 v 2 tournament. We had fun and helped support a great cause!
by Geoff Trentham | Apr 30, 2021 | 2021, Photo Galleries
CHECK OUT THE ACTION PHOTOS. Our first two guest coach clinics ran in early November featuring top coaches Dallas Soonias and Megan Dehod. They were an awesome time for everyone who attended. NOTE: Due to COVID-19 our clinic featuring Nick Davies ran in April 2021.